Say goodbye to having to prepare cheques each payday. By simply posting employees’ salaries to an account tied to their personal MasterCard Payroll Cards each payday, you can increase cost-efficiency while delivering a whole new array of benefits to workers, including greater security, convenience, and control.
How does it work?
⦁ Send your payroll information to Allied Bank.
⦁ Funds are loaded onto your employees' Prepaid MasterCards (provided by Allied Bank)
⦁ Employees can withdraw funds via ATM or use their cards where ever Mastercard is accepted worldwide.
⦁ Employees also earn FreedomPoints for their MasterCard transactions that can be redeemed for gift cards, travel, etc.
Benefits to Employers
- Significant reduction of cost for weekly/bi-weekly/monthly salary processing..
- Reduces time spent by employees on bank lines.
- Quick and simple payment process.
- Employees can access their payrolls anywhere.
Other Benefits:
- Worldwide Acceptance & ATM Network: Just like other MasterCards, ALBT's Prepaid MasterCard is accepted at over 25 million establishments and nearly 1 million ATMs worldwide.
- Cash Access: MasterCard allows cardholders to access cash advances through ATM machines or over-the-counter at financial institutions. 24-Hour Customer Service, 365 days a year.